
If the lymph nodes in the lower part of the abdomen are congested, it can cause the membrane lining the bladder to become swollen, leaving it much more vulnerable to bacterial attack and infection. This condition is known as cystitis.

Cystitis begins with an urgent need to pass urine at frequent intervals. As the infection spreads to the urethra, passing urine becomes more and more painful until it reaches the point where many sufferers say that it is like passing gravel or ground glass.

The standard treatment is to take substances that control the acidity of the urine, since the infecting bacteria do not like acid conditions. In more severe cases, antibiotics are often prescribed. However, this does not always get to the root of the problem and so the cystitis keeps recurring.

In order to regulate the acidity of the urine, potassium citrate tablets are recommended. An alkaline diet guuideline will be suggested. These make conditions in the bladder unfavourable for the bacteria, and the urine less irritating to the bladder. Patients are advised to drink a lot of water, unless they are taking antibiotics, in which case the urine needs to be reasonably concentrated to increase the antibiotics effect.

Treatment to alleviate would include Interx, Reflexology and Chi Nei Tsang (abdominal massage)


Alicky Gravell Clinic Treatments

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